Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i'm the worst

is this the face of a mean little boy who causes trouble? normally i might say yes but not this time.

so i've decided that i'm the meanest person. today i decided to go and visit the closest mall to us (which is about 25 minutes away) and see what it had to offer. it is a pretty big mall (but no gap! i should have left then) and it has a play place for the kidlets to play in. well i thought i would be a nice mom and let jack play. so he is playing for a little while and then all of a sudden i hear him screaming. i didn't see what happened but there is a little girl now playing with the thing that jack was playing with and jack is screaming like he has been hurt. i walk over and i really wanted to yell at this little girl and find her parents to tell them whats what but i of course don't. then this little girl has the nerve to follow jack around and crowd him. i now wanted to push her away. i just had these really bad feelings towards this little girl and whoever her parents are. i know jack is not innocent in all things but this time he was just playing by himself and actually waiting his turn for things. i'm sick of people not wanting to parent their kids, they just leave them at these play places and don't care what they do to the place or the people in them. sorry for the rant but there it is. am i just crazy? i know the answer to that question and it is yes. what kind of person am i that i would get so mad at some strange random kid. i guess it is another thing to add to the list of things i need to improve on.


Sarah said...

Oh Shannyn...you're SO normal. I get annoyed all the time at strangers- kids sometimes too. And I totally know how you feel. Do the words playground and Dylan and his gang (upstairs neighbor boy) ring any bells? Yeah, now that it's warming up here they are already trashing the place and I just asked Brian the other day, "where are their parents and why don't they ever know what their stupid kids are doing." Oh I have BAD feelings for these ones. Luckily that girl is gone and you don't have to worry about her again!

The Culbertson's said...

Don't feel too bad, I've had to suppress strong feelings of anger and frustration towards other children (and mostly their PARENTS). And it is all because of their lack of desire to discipline their children. They are either to lazy, or to "free minded" to be a parent. It is a big problem to me when adults are to concerned with being the good guy and a buddy to their kids then giving them the love and guidance they need from parents!