i justed wanted to wish all the fathers out there a very happy fathers day, but i especially want to let my "hooch" know that he is the very best father i could ask for, for our little jack jack. i could not do the things we have to do if i didn't have you as my partner. i know that jack loves you and is so happy to have you as his father. i hope that our jack jack grows up to be just like his dad. we love you daddy.
another note of interest, we found out on friday that jack qualified for developemental preschool. i have mixed emotions about the whole thing, happy that he is going to get the extra help he needs but a little sad he needs the extra help. if that makes any sense at all. i guess i'm just shallow or somethings because i just want jack to live an average childs life and that is not the path heavenly father has in store for him. i know that, that means he has a super strong spirit and i'm lucky heavenly father thought john and i were the best parents for him. i guess i'm just having a human moment. don't get me wrong i know that jack can and will do anything he wants to do in life.
so back to the origianlly point of this, he will actually start school this august and he will go 4 days a week for 2 and a half hours. i can't believe my baby is going to be in school. not that 2 and a half hours is a long time but i don't know what i'm going to do with myself. i haven't been alone in my house for more then an hour since jack was born. well wish us luck with this whole transition, i'm pretty sure jack will love it and really benefit from this opportunity.
what a way to kill the happy fathers day, huh!?!?